Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gun Control Essays (995 words) - Gun Politics In The United States

Gun Control Essays (995 words) - Gun Politics In The United States Gun Control Americans are faced with an ever-growing problem of violence. Our streets have become a battleground where the elderly are beaten for their social security checks, where terrified women are viciously attacked and raped. Each day teenage gangsters shoot it out for a patch of turf to sell their illegal drugs, and where innocent children are caught daily in the crossfire of drive-by shootings. We cannot ignore the damage that these criminals are doing to our society, and we must take actions to stop these horrors. However, the efforts by some misguided individuals to eliminate the legal ownership of firearms does not address the real problem at hand, and simply disarms the innocent law-abiding citizens who are most in need of a form of self-defense. To fully understand the reasons behind the gun control efforts, we must look at the history of our country, and the role firearms have played in it. The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States makes firearm ownership legal in this country. There were good reasons for this freedom, reasons which persist today. Firearms in the new world were used initially for hunting, and occasionally for self-defense. However, when the colonist felt that the burden of British oppression was too much for them to bear, they picked up their personal firearms and went to war. Standing against the British armies, these rebels found themselves opposed by the greatest military force in the world at that time. The founding fathers of the country understood that an armed populace aided in fighting off oppression. They made the right to keep and bear arms a constitutionally guaranteed right. Thomas Jefferson said in the draft of the Virginia Constitution No man shall ever be debarred the use of arms(n. pag.). To day Congress, claiming that they want to take guns out of the hands of criminals, have worked to pass legislation that would take the guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens instead. The question is the efforts of gun control do not address the real problem of crime. Therefore, if we pass laws restricting ownership of firearms, which category of people does it affect? The simple answer is that gun control laws affect law- abiding citizens only. Criminals will continue to violate these new laws, they will continue to carry their firearms, and they will find their efforts at crime much easier when they know that their victims will be unarmed. An unarmed man stands little chance against an armed one. In many states, including Florida and Texas, citizens have stated that they want to preserve their right to carry firearms for self- defense. Since the late 1980's, Florida has been issuing concealed weapons permits to law-abiding citizens, and these citizens have been carrying their firearms to defend themselves from rampant crime. The result is that the incidence of violent crime has actually dropped in contrast to the national average. Previously, Florida had been leading the nation in this category, and the citizens of that state have welcomed the change (Florida State Firearm Laws n. pag.). Gun control advocates tried to claim that there would be bloodshed in the streets when these citizens were given the right to carry. They tried to claim that the cities of Florida would become like Dodge City with shootouts on every street corner, and duels over simple disagreements. These gun control advocates were wrong. More than 200,000 concealed carry permits have been issued so far, with only 36 of these permits revoked for improper use of a firearm (Facts You Can Use n.pag.). This statistic is easy to understand. It is the law-abiding citizens who are going through the process of getting concealed carry permits so that they may legally carry a firearm. The people who go through this legal process do not want to break the law, and they do not intend to break the law. The people who do intend to break the law will carry their guns whether or not the law allows them to do so. Today, criminals often carry illegal weapons, including sawed-off shotguns, machine guns, and homemade zip-guns, clearly showing their disregard for the current laws which make these items illegal. When they are caught, the courts regularly dismiss

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Person-Centred Therapy Essay Essays

Person-Centred Therapy Essay Essays Person-Centred Therapy Essay Essay Person-Centred Therapy Essay Essay Essay Topic: Rogerian Person-centred therapy ( besides referred to as Rogerian Psychology ) is the psychological method founded by the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers. It is centred on the thought that the person has tremendous potency for understanding themselves and hence is best placed in the resolution of their ain issues without any direct ejaculations from the healer. Hence the therapy revolves around the person as the booster and designer of their ain ego alteration ( Corey. 2009 ) . So it would be pertinent to state that one`s ego construct is of great accent in this therapy and therefore is defined as the personal perceptual experiences one believes about themselves ( Rogers. 2003 ) . The therapy furthermore provinces that all of us have the capacity for growing towards fulfillment of our life`s wants and aspirations. That being said. it is of extreme importance that the healer provides a comfy menace free environment for the person. as to take down their guard. to do it easier for them to tr uly accept who they are as effectual personal growing occurs through minimised defensiveness ( Mearns A ; Thorne. 2007 ) . If the aforesaid life aspirations. potencies and fulfillments are so reached this is referred to as self realization and it is the strong belief of this therapy that this inclination is the one indispensable motivation driving all of us. If this inclination is promoted and helped along. the individual will boom and develop and get down populating what they term â€Å"the good life† . * Behavioural Therapies* Psychoanalytical and Psychodynamic Therapies* Humanistic TherapiesPerson Centred guidance was based around three nucleus conditions. devised by Rogers ;1. Unconditional Positive Regard2. Genuineness/Congruence3. Empathy It is considered indispensable for all counselors to expose these properties and to systematically supply these to each client irrespective of circumstance. The Person Centred attack views the client as their ain best authorization on their ain experience. and it views the client as being to the full capable of carry throughing their ain potency for growing. It recognizes. nevertheless. that accomplishing possible requires favorable conditions and that under inauspicious conditions. persons may good non turn and develop in the ways that they otherwise could. In peculiar. when persons are denied credence and positive respect from others. or when that positive respect is made conditional upon the single behaving in peculiar ways they may get down to lose touch with what their ain experience agencies for them. and their innate inclination to turn in a way consistent with that significance may be stifled. This does offer a alone position for both client and healer to let an unlocking of the client’s echt ego. The premiss of this theory is that human existences are innately good and given free chance they will endeavor for goodness. further reaffirming the nucleus conditions. If we believe that worlds are good. we should ever be able to provide unconditioned positive respect. congruity and empathy. The function that theory dramas in the procedure and result of guidance has been a topic of treatment. for about every bit long as guidance has been a profession. While schools of therapy have argued that different theories produce differing and nonequivalent results. this place has been challenged on legion occasions. Fiedler ( 1951 ) foremost observed that healers of differing orientations were really similar in their positions of the â€Å"ideal therapy. † Then Sundland and Barker ( 1962 ) reported that more experient healers tended to be more similar. regardless of their theoretical orientation. In their extended reappraisal of the topic. Gelso and Carter ( 1985 ) stated that â€Å"m ost clients will gain about every bit ( but in different ways ) from the different therapies† . They go on to propose that the consequence of procedure and relationship do differ among therapies and that some clients may make better with one attack than with another. based upon these two factors. Finally. Stiles. Shapiro and Elliott ( 1986 ) concluded that â€Å" ( a ) common characteristics shared by all psychotherapeuticss underlie or override differences in therapists’ verbal techniques and ( B ) these common characteristics are responsible for the general equality in effectivity ( of therapies ) † . Process and relationship possibly considered every bit relevant as theoretical conceptualization of a given job. One can presume that a guidance procedure must be structured for each client irrespective of what theory you adhere to. The work of Rogers does make this by utilizing the nucleus conditions. nevertheless ; arguably less so than other theories due to a deficiency of distinguishable ‘techniques’ . Hough et al lend the following for a successfu l guidance relationship to happen ; 1. Establish a safe. swearing environment – as outlined by Carl Rogers making a relationship with the client which is in line with the nucleus conditions. 2. Clarify: Help the individual put their concern into words. As the individual centred attack maintains this is how a client would be assisted by being preponderantly speaking and the counselor largely listening. 3. Use Active hearing: happen out the client’s docket. what do they trust to accomplish by coming for reding. a ) Paraphrase. summarise. reflect and construe – To guarantee that there is a greater apprehension of what the client is seeking to state. B ) Focus on feelings. non events – guidance is covering with emotional and mental wellness. so it is of import to unravel the feelings instead than to plane over them. like a layman would make. 4. Transform job statements into end statements – allow the client to picture a program towards achieving their end. 5. Explore possible attacks to end. to narrow and consider their picks. 6. Help individual take one manner towards their end which is executable. 7. Make a contract to carry through the program ( or to take the following measure ) . 8. Summarize what has occurred. clarify. and acquire confirmation from the client that this is still their end. 9. Get feedback and verification that the end remains as earlie r. Ultimately as with all the Counselling paradigms it is cardinal to enable the client to derive control of their ain life and make their ain decisions. The chief paradigms underpin the procedures of reding normally. nevertheless ; the lesser known theoretical accounts are besides used. If this can be agreed upon. this might propose that the Person centred attack does carry through the demands of a healer when naming a job and making a program where they are guided but the content is filled by the client. The Person Centred attack besides gave rise to the construct of ‘The Organismic Self’ ; a province which is considered to genuinely be integral for a short infinite of clip. in basic footings this is a form of our pure selves. being precisely as we are without external influence. This theory tracks our human experience and maintains that this shortly becomes corrupted by what is called the ‘Self Concept’ . Self Concept is the term given to explicate outside influences on the Organismic Self. It could be said that the conflict between who we genuinely are as people and what the universe and important people around us feel we should be is what causes us to experience lost. If we think of the Organismic Self as being at one with ourselves and experiencing that who we are. what we do and our general feeling of interior harmoniousness as being comfy. the opposite is true of the Self Concept. this is by and large a feeling of clumsiness. feeling lost. unreal and can ensue in ulterior life as a crisis. Humanist attacks in general are concerned with subjects which are meaningful to human existences which makes it particularly good as a theory for reding. Humanist attacks are besides considerate of subjective experience and unpredictable events which occur in human lives. Does this so suggest that the Person centred attack is flexible and allows the healer to turn to all affairs which may originate instead than. relatively utilizing a CBT ( Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ) attack which focusses entirely on the present. As a complex of the Person centred attack and general Humanistic theories. it is of import to admit the construct of ‘Self Actualisation’ . The phrase was foremost coined by Kurt Goldstein. but is possibly better known as associated with Abraham Maslow and his Hierarchy Of Needs and is defined as below ; â€Å"†¦ . the desire for self-realization. viz. the inclination for him [ the single ] to go actualised in what he is potentially. This inclination might be phrased as the desire to go more and more what one is. to go everything that one is capable of going. † In mention to his Hierarchy of Needs theory. Maslow advised that merely 1 % of all people are self-actualised which would deduce the demand for reding aid to be great. As mentioned above the flexibleness of this attack may be deemed to let healers to handle a huge figure of clients. as the turning demand for reding emerges. The non-intrusive nature of the therapy a the comparatively comfy set-up of the guidance Sessionss within the Person Centred attack highlights how easy it is to use this attack practically. We surely know of the efficaciousness of the Person Centred attack. in its comtinued usage in modern twenty-four hours therapy. nevertheless ; we must see the strengths of other presently used attacks to exemplify where the Person Centred attack could better. I have chosen to utilize the Psychodynamic attack to research this. One of the strengths of the Psychodynamic Approach is that it provided a valuable penetration into how early experiences or relationships can impact our grownup personality. One of the illustrations of this is that arrested developments can be caused at the Oral Stage of psychosexual development such as being separated from the primary health professional excessively early. These arrested developments can so take to psychological jobs. Supporting grounds for this strength was carried out by Jacobs at Al ( 1966 ) utilizing Rorschach inkblots to compare the orality of tobacco users and non-smokers. It was found that tobacco users emerged as being significantly more unwritten. Another strength of the Psychodynamic Approach is that it is the first attack to seek and try to explicate mental unwellness in psychological footings and has had an tremendous influence on the apprehension and intervention of mental upsets. An illustration of this is Psychoanalysis and Dream Therapy which aims to do the unconscious stuff witting so it is easier to cover with as Freud believed that dreams showed our concealed desires. Evidence to back up this was carried out by Sandell ( 1999 ) who studied the symptoms of more than 700 patients before and after three old ages of depth psychology and found that patients had significantly fewer symptoms after the therapy. The Psychodynamic Approach besides displays failings. in that most of Freud’s is based on findings of instance surveies. and anecdotal mentions where instances are frequently alone and there are jobs with generalization. Like the Psychodynamic Approach. the Person Centred attack does non disregard the importance of historical and childhood events. This is highlignhted in their subtheory ‘Conditions of worth’ which are defined as ‘restrictions imposed on self-expression in order to gain positive regard’ . which are non in and of themselves a bad thing. nevertheless ; it is possible for these conditions to be overused that they can get down to be a job. For illustration a kid will seek to fulfill the status of worth imposed by their parents ; without gaining. parents may make more complex conditions for deriving their attending. As kids grow they learn a new set of regulations for deriving attending. the best forecaster of effect for behaviour is past experience. As such a kid may larn that to have congratulations from their Father is to acquire good consequences at school or fall in the football squad. From another position. a kid may larn that they get more attending when th ey fail at something or are experiencing sad. as opposed to when they are successful and happy. They may besides happen that they are surrounded by more friends. more frequently when they behave in a peculiar manner or indulge in peculiar activities that are ‘acceptable’ . By the clip an single reaches their teenage old ages. most people have a complex system of regulations to stay by if we want to have love. congratulations and positive respect from others. Slowly this system of conditions of worth works its manner into a person’s overall manner of sing the universe they live in. They adopt these conditions as their ain values. barricading out the true organismal values that comprise who they truly are. As their existent ego is blocked out by this adoptive system of values. incongruence consequences. The regulations for love and positive respect lead them to populate a different life. a life incongruent with who they truly are. a life that does non fulfill all their other demands and tragically. frequently doesn’t even genuinely satisfy their demand for positive respect. Due to this. people can go unhappy. dying and down. but frequently they merely try to revise and alter the conditions they are utilizing for positive respect. They may alter their veneer. but non the root of the job. They merely shift the contents of their complex system of worth instead than paring it back and exposing their existent. true values. It’s this latter province that Person Centred therapy seeks to make. leting the counselor to merely seek to take any conditions of worth from their relationship with the client. They offer merely unconditioned positive respect. This creates an environment in which a little cleft is placed in the person’s overarching system of conditional worth. In such an environment the individual can get down to admit and understand what it is they genuinely want and need. These values are ever seeking to be heard. but are blocked out by our complex set of concepts we use to seek to derive conditional positive respect. Person centred therapy merely creates a topographic point where this system is pushed back. and one’s true values can emerge. A individual is so free to see who he is and what he wants. without the menace of a loss of positive respect. No affair what is said. he can anticipate unconditioned respect. Overall this subtheory shows a consistence throughout the Person Centred attack. binding the chief premiss of the nucleus conditions to the manner in which each client is treated. To reason my appraisal of the utility and effectivity of the Person Centred Therapy. I hope to hold demonstrated my current degree of understanding sing this topic and illustrated how it can be used practically. It is clear that the current and uninterrupted widespread usage of the Person-Centred attack attests for its effectivity in pattern. It is good and justified to ever concentrate on the client and their journey through whatever jobs they are confronting and this peculiar attack maintains the healer in making so. I believe that the most effectual method of handling patients is that adopted by Chrysalis. a multidiscipline attack. whereby one can amend the tool used based upon the presented job. MentionsWeb sites ;hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bapca. org. uk/hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Person-centered_therapyhypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Self-actualizationhypertext transfer protocol: //wiki. replies. com/Q/What_is_organismic_selfhypertext transfer protocol: //www. person-centered-therapy. com/conditions-of-worth/Texts ;Edward L. Deci. Richard M. Ryan ( 1985 ) Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behaviour ; Springer Publishing.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Learning Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning Journal - Essay Example † Also, the paper will reflect on the project, world of different project, and how it relate to the topics learnt in the course of non profit organization and non government organization. This paper will also give insight on how the world of difference project supported by Vodafone foundation has benefited the local communities. As reported by the Ghana News Agency on 10 November, 2011, the world of difference project spearheaded by the Vodafone Foundation is yet again seeing the light of the day. The project was designed in the year 2010 with an aim of â€Å"positively impacting the lives of less privileged communities and individuals by leveraging on individual and corporate philanthropy.† Non government organization and professionals have been in the forefront of realizing the dreams and spirit of the project. This year, the project received 500 applications of which 50 applicants were successful and have been inducted. The project involves professionals, intellectuals and expert who normally are attached to work in non government organization for a period of two months and given a monthly allowance of between â€Å"GH ¢ 1,000 to GH ¢ 2,000.† According to the Ghana News Agency, the project has greatly benefitted the community. Looking at the driving forces for the development of the world of difference project and the design of the world of difference project implemented by Vodafone Foundation, it resonates and relates well with the aspects learnt in the course, non government organization and non profit organization. In the above article by the Ghana News Agency, it is implied that most non profit organization and non government organization are dependent on donor funding which include: grants, government contribution, corporate institution support and individual donation. Getting funding is always a great challenge. In case an organization secures funding, many conditions are always attached to it with fund utilization limited to budget lines. Also the